My Blog Has Just Made It to "Blogs Of Note"!

Dear Friend,

I'm happy to tell you that I have just made it to the Blogs of Note. This is quite an honor and unexpected. I feel like I just have got my own star on Hollywood Boulevard!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friends (Ramani, Vivek, Hans, Avatar, John (Freshblog), and others) who have been helping one way or another in shaping the contents of my site. You can check out their sites from my "interesting links" on the sidebar.

Ramani is right. My simple, free counter I set up from "Sitemeter" jumped drastically from 100 a day, which is not a small number by any means, to 2400 (!) in just one day! This is incredible!

For my new readers, welcome!!!! Feel free to check out what's on my site, and leave your comments here on what other topics you would like me to write about: more hacks, hack suggestions, more Blogger Beta how-to tutorials, etc. I'm planning to write an in-depth series on the internal working of the new beta template. This will take 4, 5 articles or more. So stay tuned.

Have a wonderful day and check back often at my site and my friends', as we have quite a few interesting Beta hacks to offer.

Hoctro (9/2006)